Can't the Republican candidates see a gift horse in the Colorado Supremes decision to call an insurrectionist an Insurecctionist ? Instead, they want to keep Trump IN the fight ? What am I missing ? There's a perfectly reasonable opportunity to suggest Trump is ineligible and they universally reject the notion while none of them can touch him in a primary ? What's so wrong with this picture ?

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I'm guessing our 45th president doesn't know we have growing Cologolese, Burmese and Latino populations in Waterloo where he spoke this week, not to mention a generations-old Bosnian population keenly aware of what ethnic and sectarian conflict is like, in addition to the highest percentage Black American population in the state with a Black-majority City Council and a Black mayor. His rhetoric here doesn't exactly engender harmony and coooperation. But I suspect at this point he's primarily interested in a stage, a microphone and an overwhelming show of support at the caucuses.

But where are the Bushes, Paul Ryan, John Boehner and other one-time Republican leaders? Sparse sound bites bubble up occasionally. President Bush said he wrote in Condoleeza Rice in the last election. The Lincoln Project recently posted a video by Paul Ryan in which he says the 45th president is not a conservative but an autocrat. In 2016 conservative icon George Will said then-candidate Trump "is as American as Huey Long," i.e., a demagogue. Former Speaker Boehner famously said, "There is no Republican Party. There's a Democrat Party and a Trump party. The Republican Party is off taking a nap somewhere."

Time to wake up, folks. Liz Cheney's blowing Reveille. And if Barry Goldwater was alive he flipping over mattresses and banging on garbage cans like a boot camp drill instructor.

And the Dems should probably think twice about the devil horns and tails they've painted in the past on receptive folks from the party opposite. This isn't a ball game. Don't play Cubs vs. Cardinals when you have a wolf at the door.

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My Christmas wish is that both Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump would simply retire. One is propped up by his ego and the other is propped up by others.

Time for them to sit down.

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I'm sure there has never been a primary like the Republican party is going through. Outside of Chris Christie no one has been willing to compete with Trump. Nikki Haley in her advertisements acts like she is running against Biden and other than talking about the chaos surrounding Trump she has not criticized his illegal behavior including his desire to end democracy. Bottom line, I feel the Republicans are more interested in their party than they are our country. I heard Lindsey Graham defend Trump's latest attack on immigrants and basically said words don't matter. How sad!

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It's way too late for Iowa Republicans to start thinking about this. The entire GOP establishment has been complicit for years and even now, they go along with many of Trump's false narratives (e.g. he's facing criminal charges only because Biden has "weaponized" the Justice Department).

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In today’s chaotic world, I ask who benefits from a certain policy, policy proposal or strategy. Trump benefits from chaos; Trump and many supporters promote chaos. Trump is able to take advantage of the chaos he fosters by turning on a dime and stating he is the only one that can cure the chaos internationally and domestically. Thanks Ed for the story.

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I’d like to think voters will figure out Trump causes much of this chaos and will punish him for it. If not MAGA Republicans, then those in the party - and outside of it - who yearn for a more rational politics. Thanks for the comment, Ralph. Good to hear from you.

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