Jun 29Liked by Ed Tibbetts

As Jay Rosen so presciently said, "It's not the Odds; its the Stakes."

Many journalists can't stop handicapping the race as if it's about money, applause, appearance, or age.

(Not you, Ed, you know better). It's about Policy, Policy, Policy. It's not about who you want to have a beer with; it's about who do you want to trust with your children's lives?

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Thanks Ed.

Get Biden out in public the next several days. it may be the litmus test to determine if he can continue. We should take some breaths (as many have said) over the next days. In the meantime, Biden should get out in public and:

A. Move the public away from taste, flavors, sights and sounds from the debate;

B. After admitting it was a bad debate, publicly and visibly show he can recover; and

C, Talk about SCOTUS decisions (which his staff should already have plans and statements in place);

Without these, there is only one option—if you cannot repair the damage in the next days. Speaking of consultants and the Party, they should have had contingency plans in place for Biden not being the nominee (for whatever reasons-medical, personal, or declining skills). I do not have confidence in staff/consultants; that said, they have not choice.

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Really good analysis, Ed. The debate was tough to watch. But, still, Biden is a far better choice than Trump. Biden surrounds himself with good people, good advisers. We know Trump does not.

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Fielding Yost, a Michigan football coach, had point-a-minute football teams. Donald Trump is a lie a minute. There has never been anyone with less respect for the truth. Trump is never Tongue-tied because he just says whatever comes to mind no matter how outrageous. We cannot risk having someone with no discipline as Presiident.

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In these "interesting times", both domestic and international, the leader of the free world cannot have even one bad day.

Distant analogy, but I think apt: Taking away Grandpa's keys. Never pleasant, often confrontational and damaging to relationships, but essential.

Time has come.

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Thank you for your thoughtful analysis; I agree completely.

And just to be safe, I want to get the name of Jon Stewart;s real estate agent bin New Zealand.

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