Her words were true and inspirational. Thankful she had the opportunity to express them.

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The bishop should minister wisdom and strength to leaders and groups that are practicing anticipatory obedience

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Speeding on Harrison and on Brady streets in Davenport are especially egregious. Excesses decrease safety, impede pedestrians and harm small business bt decreasing foot traffic.

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Reynolds would rather try to keep people out of Iowa than encourage them to come. We need a governor who is not afraid of immigrants. We also need legislators who understand that speed kills.

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The leadership in the IOWA Congress is one of depravity. They are no longer working for Iowans.

Kim Reynolds is the Iowa version of Mr. Trump. We will subsidize Private schools, corporate welfare----and then CUT funding for schools, Mental healthcare, infrastructure, and safety.

Lastly, Iowa Senators Mr. Grassley and Ms. Ernst they are not working for Iowans, they are only working for Mr. Trump---they are SYCOPHANTS, THEY ARE A DISGRACE TO THE MEN AND WOMEN IN BLUE WHO PROTECT OUR COUNTRY EVERY DAY.

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