Personally I see it difficult for Repulicans to chose any of the candidates other than Trump simply because they sold themselves on his rhetoric and not on his capacity to really accomplish anything. There are many within the party that think quite differently about issues than the run of the mill evangelicals backing Trump. When it comes to the election, which this all hinges on, the real powerhouse will again be the independents and their concern for things the Republicans wanted to only lay claim to, they really didn't want to over turn Roe, Now that they have, they are fighting an uphill battle to convince themselves Roe is behind them and are seaching for an issue they can get people behind. One that really is a strong personal issue that brings out people to vote Republican. Trans kids, and sexual minorities doesn't have that kind of pull. The Democrats have been handed abortion on a platter and are certainly willing to pick up that banner and bury the Republicans in Congress and the Senate, likely Biden will ride on their coattails, rather than the other way around.

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Ed, I have said that there are three ways to describe the Republican presidential candidates: A ship of fools, send in the clowns, or not ready for prime time players. The debate did nothing to change my opinion. Hap

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Donald Trump: “I could stand in the middle of Manhattan on Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and never lose any of my voters.” Wow, what does this say about his supporters, and I guess, what it means to Trump, he can break the law and he will always get an “out of jail free card” no matter what he does. I am amazed at how far we of come as a divided and partisan nation that the Republican are willing to look the other way, as our democracy was almost dismantled, as Trump did everything possible to deny the will of voters to hang onto the presidency and power.

Never in our history has a past president ever been indicted once, let alone four times. If you still think this is a “witch hunt” let me remind you the indictments came about because grand juries indicted him after hearing the facts and not Biden, the Us Attorney General or the attorney generals from each state. The government brought the charges, but it was a group of citizens who moved forward with the indictments.

There was a time when the Republican Party stood for less government intrusion, fiscal responsibility, family values and a strong military. I long for the day for these values to again be the center piece of their agenda. The “silent majority,” moderate Republicans need to speak up and point out the moral bankruptcy of the Trump era and take back the party of Lincoln.

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