I am found of repeating former Rock Island Judge Walter Braud " There is nothing like an American jury

to shake out the truth."

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Then-former President Nixon told David Frost, "I brought myself down. I gave them a sword. And they twisted it with great relish. And I guess If I had been in their position, I'd have done the same thing."

Were the Dems who brought down Nixon politically motivated? Sure, some probably were. Probably not totally altruistic. But people like Barbara Jordan and Barry Goldwater - a conservative Republican - were not without higher purpose in Watergate; they realized the Constitution and our democratic system of government were at stake. The difference between then and now is that Nixon, for all his flaws real or perceived, was man enough to admit he was at fault. He also told Frost "I let the American people down. And I have to live with that the rest of my life."

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Well said, Ed. Thanks for the clarity. We are so lost….

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The election and now the judicial system is “rigged”. You don’t need to be a genius to realize what is next if this criminal is elected.

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