Great article. Even more disgusting if that is possible is Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird;s endorsement of Donald Trump for President. How the chief law enforcement officer in the State can endorse a liar, a thief and a traitor is beyond me.

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Well, Ed, if anyone's looking for a potential consensus builder, and that person does not have to be a sitting member of Congress, Condoleeza Rice will be in Cedar Rapids a week from Friday at a fundraiser for the Hoover Historic Foundation in West Branch. She's having a conversation with "Firing Line" host Margaret Hoover. I found a 2021 article in which President Bush said he wrote Secretary Rice in for president in 2020 and told her he was going to do so. She is president of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and is former Stanford provost; she apparently straightened out the university's budget and got them on firm financial footing during her tenure. At a time when Congress specifically and the country in general is facing major international issues with dual wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, it might be an opportune time to have someone with her credentials running the House and being third in line to the presidency.

A side note: She was a childhood friend of Denise McNair, one of the four girls killed in the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmiinghame, Ala. 60 years ago last month. The secretary's father was a Presbyterian minister in Birmingham at the time.


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Agree that Iowa's delegation has not represented Iowa well, but the haven't for a while. The ONE thing Jordan is good at is creating chaos and eruptions. That is the reason he should NEVER be speaker. He does not know how to create consensus or agreement, only division! That is why he is so wrong for the speaker job. He has NEVER even gotten a bill passed in congress - which is a job of the speaker - he does not have the qualifications for the job. In comparison, Mc Carthy looked wonderful! Plus he was actively involved with Trump as an election denier and on insurrection team. Now he will create chaos out of choosing a speaker. The only thing he could be good at is LEAVING the house!!

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Great Column. You got MMM to flip!

Keep up the good work!


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‘’Right thinking people.” Who would they be?

Jordon is a reaction to leftist radicalism. Brazen daytime burglaries, endless shaming/emotional blackmail, speech police, the degradation of public schools, the normalization of abnormal behavior, open borders that we’ll pay for in blood, a confused president. Shameful chaos in Afghanistan. I could go on. And on.

Vilsack and Gronstahl pushed. They pushed too hard. All you have to say is “look at those terrible conservatives”

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Ed, our federal delegation owe it to Iowans to explain their vote for Jordan and of any conditions underlying the support. If Cong. Bacon (R-Omaha) can vote against Jordan, Iowans may also want to learn why Bacon felt compelled to publicly oppose Jordan.

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Thanks Ed. I do not know Mr. Freemire, who disagreed with you, but was constructive in asking D's to do more. Our national D leaders reached out; if there is blame, it is on Hakeem Jeffries and his staff for failure to explain their offers to help elect a Speaker. D's wanted changes to rules to facilitate bipartisanship, such as the power of one person to force a Speaker retention vote.

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Enjoy the bull fight while it lasts. I respect your opinion but fail to understand how this article fosters a more balanced point of view. The House members were faced with a binary vote. Perhaps their votes were more for moving forward with the people's business and less with the difficult vote for Jordan. Certainly, the Democrats have done nothing to help nor would anyone reasonably expect anything different; they watch from their seats and cheer. This is a missed opportunity for Democrats to "help" and in doing so, negotiate deals to advance their agenda. There's plenty of blame to go around.

Oh, the bull is the American people and it never ends well for the bull.

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I fear this will never end until right thinking people reject those who need to be turned out by the voters, act! I was surprised that Trump was rejected, figuring the Republican's feared dictator president, would somehow manage to pull off his debacle, but instead attempted a full on revolt! that alone should have been enough for the party to reject him and those who surrounded him! Even Hitler managed a come back from jail, and this terrorist would continue to undermine the government even from a jail cell! His vindictive puppets who support him are all trying to out do each other in the ability to ham-string what remains of what once was a democratically elected government built on compromise. Dead locked over who could potenially do more harm than the next candidate for speaker! Eventually, they may go through the list of "leaders" and finallly fallon someone who could lead from a postion as a moderatly conservative speaker, although that is a considerably long list of folks who don't want to wake the sleeping giant they all seem to pay hommage too, (Trump!) If the state courts eventually pull his finamcial teeth and seperate him from his assets, maybe then he will be fit to jail and leave him there without his influence on the rest. So, come on Republicans, surprise me and find a speaker that you won't throw out in another month and start this financial debacle all over again and again and again!

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Party before country, that is what the Republican party mantra should be. If you don't vote the way MAGA Republicans want, you have to fear they will come after you. Besides all of his shenanigans in Congress let not forget this. Rep. Jim Jordan, the powerful Republican congressman from Ohio, is being accused by former wrestlers he coached more than two decades ago at Ohio State University of failing to stop the team doctor from molesting them and other students.

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Wrestlers wouldn’t allow themselves to be treated that way. Does Jordon, described above as a snarling attack dog, really appear to be the type of man to ignore this type of thing?

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Spot on.

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