'I dissent' is a key part of an ongoing messaging against the Trump Court and Trump's Absence of Values. I nearly wrote "Trump Values', but that would give 'values' a bad connotation. Use it whenever and wherever one is comfortable. I reinforce what other people and groups are doing to keep our democracy. ‘Trump counts out America’ is one of my new catchphrases–After the Trump Court ruling, we could have said “Trump Court Counts out Democracy”. For Biden supporters, they can add-Don't count out Biden. For Biden be gone and for pro-Harris, they all have other lessons to act on. I wrote today on this in my modest substack. I have waited too long for national leaders to come up with an alternative to MAGA, which brings me to another dissent. We can start with " I dissent" I know that Trump counts out democracy in America. Our Founders would never have written Project 2025 and would also dissent from the current Trump Court

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A lot of us better dissent in November.

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The last couple days have been very disturbing, starting with Biden’s poor performance and ending with the Supreme Court rewriting constitutional law. Trump is in my opinion an easy target to defeat. He has absolutely no conscience about lying, misrepresenting the truth, not owing up to any of his multiply failures and is delusional about his record of performance. Biden had a week to prepare and either acted his age or has Parkinson's disease. It reminded me of the West Wing where the President withheld his illness from the public. I anticipated President Biden making Trump look like he is, which is unfit to serve as many if not all that worked with him have said after leaving office. Then the “conservative” court decided to completely undermine their own approach of taking the founding fathers intent into consideration in any changes in our constitution and award Trump with a get out of jail card and made themselves feel better by saying, “no man is above the law”. We have 250 years of precedent and experience without having a President sued. We were told during at his impeachment trial that all we had to do was hold Trump accountable in the courts once he leaves office and now our Supreme Court has decided that remedy is no longer part of our constitution. If your looking for evidence of what is going to come, look no further than what Trump did on January 6th to realize anything is possible under Trump’s rule. I’m so discouraged about what is going to happen to our great country if we have 4 or possibly more years of Trump. I think it maybe time for the Democrats to pull a rabbit out of the hat. While I will vote for Biden because any alternative to Trump is ok I don’t think Biden can turn this election around.

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Thanks for the comment, Dan. I agree, for a court that has lately been citing history in its opinions, this is decidedly ahistorical, as Federalist #77 makes clear.

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Thanks, Ed. Glad the efforts have invigorated you! Keep on Keeping on

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Thank you, Bill. For reading and being supportive.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Ed Tibbetts

I’d add:

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution;

Bombing of Cambodia;

The Plumbers;


Operation Success;

Arms for Hostages (Iran-Contra);

Assassination of U.S. Citizen abroad (Obama)

Other than that, I couldn’t agree more, Ed.


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I’m sure we could add many more.

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Thanks, Ed, for your kind words and encouragement! It means a great deal to me!

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Certainly this is a sensitive topic. Somehow the Supreme Court was tasked with balancing reason and wisdom with common sense. The dissenting members seemed to not use balance, reason, wisdom, nor common sense in their written reactions; they were politically charged and inciting seemingly unwarranted concerns to those less reasoned thinking folks. It would seem common sense is, in fact, not common.

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Hey, Mike. I don’t think the nightmare scenarios are likely, of course, but I don’t discount the notion a future President, perhaps unknown to us, might consider doing some very bad stuff and could find solace in this opinion.

Sotomayor’s dissent, aside from the inflammatory language that’s cited in most of the news stories, was pretty well reasoned, in my opinion.

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Jul 8Liked by Ed Tibbetts

Fair enough but I think the dissenting comments could have been less inflammatory thereby knowing that the media would only have the well reasoned to report. Maybe it's just a little personal experience coming out here. :-)

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