Mar 20Liked by Ed Tibbetts

You are right it is not fair. Father Conroy insisted that people using his window be given a dollar I believe in addition to food to give them a little dignity.

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Your readers are a talented bunch. I am sure you or your readers can find the annual dollars of tax handouts to business, farmers, wealthiest Iowans, etc. and compare those dollars to the uplift program, SNAP, and other programs. We require Iowans who receive unemployment to report on weekly job searches. Do we make business CEO's provide weekly or monthly efforts at finding loans or grants before we give bailouts, tax credits, etc.?

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This is so discouraging. One of a LONG list of things that are discouraging about a majority of today's Iowa legislators.

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Amen, well said, and I'm a conservative but a registered independant.

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