Jun 20Liked by Ed Tibbetts

As always, your writing is outstanding. That said, we don't agree. Guns are not the problem. Technology making guns shoot faster or have more rounds in a magazine does not kill anyone. The problem is the fact that there are those few among us who don't respect life, have little in the way of problem resolution skills, and can find a weapon "anywhere." The issue is societal. The UK banned guns so people get stabbed, run over with vehicles, oh, and shot by the few in their society with ill intent.

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Thanks for the compliment, Mike. You know I appreciate your perspective. Yes, there will always be those in society with ill intent. But just as we have no cure for cancer and other diseases, that does not mean we shouldn’t take common sense, and effective, steps to ameliorate their impact.

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I admire Michael's civil approach to disagreeing with Ed. That said, I am in Ed's corner. For work, I used to carry a sidearm. For life, I spent the first decades of my life growing up on the Southside of Chicago. We had violence in our schools and our communities. We had those with ill intent. We also had very few mass killings through knives or other weapons used before the proliferation of and ease of access to guns in the last 40 years. Again, I applaud Michael for his constructive tone. I do agree there is no single solution to violence in society; we can start with red flag laws and federal waiting laws. thanks Ed and Michael

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