Thank you Ed. I keep hoping that Iowa’s U.S. representation will some day gain courage and integrity. But they apparently do not think enough constituents care about those values these days.
Excellent piece, Ed, as usual. Our state has no representation in Congress that has any independence of thought for the virtue of responsible governance over politics. Their silence is fully enabling. The opposite of statesmanship.
Right on, Ed. Even more galling, Vance and Trump don't even know their current history. Vance wants to take pot shots at Biden for "4 years,.., blah, blah,..."; completely missing the fact, aas Zelensky had to point out to him, Putin had violently occupied Ukraine in February 2014, that Trump then tried to change to 2015. Trump had FOUR YEARS as President to do somethng about that and did NOTHING, except try to blackmail then newly elected President Z with US aid to 'find dirt' on Biden - behavior that gor Trump impeached the first time,... Of course, it was an ambush!
Shameful, juvenile, self-destructive. Impeach Trump and Vance NOW !
Ed, Thanks again for standing up and pointing out this tragedy surrounding our "Representation"!
Please keep it up along with the friends around the Iowa Writers Colloberation. I have financially supported three: Ed T, Art Cullen and Dr. Chris Jones - WE have a lot of work cut out for us!
Rust corrodes all it touches. But whatever caustic element that swims in the space once occupied by the spines of the Republican Party puts even ferrous oxide to shame for its corrosive power. Keep up the great work, Ed.
Ed well done and so sad that our ignorant president continues to embarrass our country. Trump threatened Zelensky with starting world war three and my thought is if Russia is rewarded for invading Ukraine it will be totally on Trump. Not a legacy you would think Trump would want but his inability to be self reflect leads me to believe he just doesn’t care.
It’s unfathomable to me how he can see this war through Putin’s eyes rather than the Ukrainians. Thanks for the compliment. Always appreciate your support.
Agreed, thanks Ed. It was a shameful and sad moment for our country and the world. The fact that Iowa's delegation can't speak up just makes it that much worse. Honestly, I didn't think they would but a woman can always hope.
As I read the comments of your guests, I see a common thread---the IOWA GOP, Mr. Grassley, Joni Ernst, and Gov. Reynolds do not really care about the needs of the IOWA VOTERS. However, we have been BRAINWASHED by the media--FOX NEWS---that they are doing exactly what we the IOWA voter demanded when we voted for them---HOW DO WE FIX STUPID?
Thank you Ed. I keep hoping that Iowa’s U.S. representation will some day gain courage and integrity. But they apparently do not think enough constituents care about those values these days.
P.S. When did Reynolds go so far off the deep end?
There can be no doubt that Iowa's Congressional delegation and the Republican Iowa legislature are the worst in history.
Excellent piece, Ed, as usual. Our state has no representation in Congress that has any independence of thought for the virtue of responsible governance over politics. Their silence is fully enabling. The opposite of statesmanship.
Right on, Ed. Even more galling, Vance and Trump don't even know their current history. Vance wants to take pot shots at Biden for "4 years,.., blah, blah,..."; completely missing the fact, aas Zelensky had to point out to him, Putin had violently occupied Ukraine in February 2014, that Trump then tried to change to 2015. Trump had FOUR YEARS as President to do somethng about that and did NOTHING, except try to blackmail then newly elected President Z with US aid to 'find dirt' on Biden - behavior that gor Trump impeached the first time,... Of course, it was an ambush!
Shameful, juvenile, self-destructive. Impeach Trump and Vance NOW !
Ed, Thanks again for standing up and pointing out this tragedy surrounding our "Representation"!
Please keep it up along with the friends around the Iowa Writers Colloberation. I have financially supported three: Ed T, Art Cullen and Dr. Chris Jones - WE have a lot of work cut out for us!
Rust corrodes all it touches. But whatever caustic element that swims in the space once occupied by the spines of the Republican Party puts even ferrous oxide to shame for its corrosive power. Keep up the great work, Ed.
Ed well done and so sad that our ignorant president continues to embarrass our country. Trump threatened Zelensky with starting world war three and my thought is if Russia is rewarded for invading Ukraine it will be totally on Trump. Not a legacy you would think Trump would want but his inability to be self reflect leads me to believe he just doesn’t care.
It’s unfathomable to me how he can see this war through Putin’s eyes rather than the Ukrainians. Thanks for the compliment. Always appreciate your support.
Agreed, thanks Ed. It was a shameful and sad moment for our country and the world. The fact that Iowa's delegation can't speak up just makes it that much worse. Honestly, I didn't think they would but a woman can always hope.
Trump's and Vance's berating of Zelensky was despicable, embarrassing and wrong.
Well put, Ed. Our supposed representatives by their silence endorse the disgusting performance of the President and his inept lackey.
Well said. I emailed both Grassley and Ernst. Can’t imagine what their staffs will reply.
As I read the comments of your guests, I see a common thread---the IOWA GOP, Mr. Grassley, Joni Ernst, and Gov. Reynolds do not really care about the needs of the IOWA VOTERS. However, we have been BRAINWASHED by the media--FOX NEWS---that they are doing exactly what we the IOWA voter demanded when we voted for them---HOW DO WE FIX STUPID?